Today, we all participate in a world of incredibly rapidly advancing technological change. In this massive revolution, the winners are those who can understand them. And at OE Industry, we dare to be part of this change. This is how we developed modern OLED light technology. With a completely new generation of vehicles in mind.
- The use of innovative light technology.
- The use of organic electroluminescent diodes.
- The guarantee of unrivalled safety on the road.
- Design that puts the future to shame.
Digital, modern, digitized. OLED lamps from OEI open up entirely new possibilities in automotive lighting design.
Because the power of excellence at OEI is in the details.
> provides benefits for the vehicle interior such as external solutions - reducing space and weight and also 100% efficiency,
> produces non-glare, soft lighting - complete comfort, > it does not emit UV light and is therefore not harmful to the eyes and skin.
> it contains a very low level of peri-daily blue light - minimizing attraction of insects to the vehicle interior, > contains no toxic metals - energy efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, easier recycling,
> saves space and reduces overall weight - reducing fuel consumption.